iOS App Store Submission Checklist 2020

iOS App Store Submission Checklist 2020

17 August, 2020 by img Rahul Panchal in iOS App Development
iOS App Store Submission Checklist 2020

The App Store happens to be a massive app market that has been created by Apple. Quite a few iOS applications are published by iOS app development services to the store every single day. Apple has got a system for reviewing iOS apps exceptionally carefully to maintain a high standard of mobile applications. In the following paragraphs, we will mention a comprehensive iOS App Store submission checklist 2020, which the iOS app developers and entrepreneurs can review before submitting to the app store.

During the process of review, it is quite reasonable for your app to be denied by Apple. If you have developed an iOS project at any time, it is highly probable that you have been rejected by Apple several times before you have been able to publish your application successfully to production. This particular post will enable you to gain some more experience when it comes to applying to the Apple store.

Let us hope that you will be able to stay away from the errors for which the apps usually become rejected with the help of this checklist.


1. Make certain that your application is complete

It is important to ensure that the functionalities of your application are stable before you are submitting an application and also that your app does not come with any significant highly-visible errors. In case your applications still come with crashes or bugs, they will be immediately rejected by Apple. Crashes and bugs happen to be the most typical reasons for getting denied by Apple. The reviewers of Apple test all the applications extremely carefully. Therefore, in case there is any inconsistency between the real app and the expected behavior, your app is going to be rejected.

It is also essential to focus on the Minimum Functionality issue. In case your application does not bring much for the users on the table or is extremely simple, it is also going to be denied by the reviewers. Apple is known to encourage the integration of several applications with identical content into one before uploading it to improve user experience. A typical scenario happens to be agencies or iOS app developers, creating an uncomplicated Webview where they will embed their present site. This type of application will become rejected by the reviewers almost instantly, given that no extra value will be provided by the iOS app for the users.


2. Compliance to app store guidelines

It will be advisable for you to ensure that your application is compliant with the guidelines of the App Store. You must focus on certain critical issues like whether your app comes with any violent or pornographic content, or whether it is copyrighted. In such cases, you need to register with Apple, and you should provide complete information within the Description section along with copyright proof.


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3. Gather app screenshots, icons, links, and description

Apart from providing icons that correspond to the screen resolutions and sizes of each kind of iPhone required by Apple, you need to make sure that every single link in the application is active (in case clickable links are displayed by your app). Only one broken link is going to make Apple deny your application instantly.

It is also essential for you to make sure that every single image in the app is fully provided. You should stay away from displaying errors along with unfitting placeholders while exhibiting an image.

“Description” and “Screenshots” happen to be one more essential part of your application submission. You have to provide them for Apple in case you do not like your application to become rejected. Even if this section would be ignored by Apple, you should describe the app and also provide precise and clear screenshots. This will allow the users to comprehend your application in a better manner in the long run.


4. Adequate Information

You need to provide adequate information such that the reviewers will understand how to test the application fully. For instance, if your app comes with authentication functions, you must provide Apple with a combination of a functional username and password.

Mocking code must be provided by the backend for a 2-way authentication case like OTP code such that it will be possible for the Apple reviewers to test the application. On the whole, favorable conditions have to be created by you for Apple to review your app without any glitch.


5. Content of Permissions

A lot of contemporary applications need to access the private information of the user like access to phonebook, library, camera, or location. While requesting all these permissions, it is important for you to clearly describe why this info is required by your application. Try to be specific as far as possible since the users have the right to understand precisely how their information is being utilized.

In case of APIs are used by your application to access sensitive information of the user, you must declare them clearly in the info.plist file, or else, the application will crash while attempting to retrieve that particular information.


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 6. Other Notes

You will come across many other things that should be known by iOS App Development Services before submitting the app.

  • The performance of your application happens to be stable without affecting the performance of the device or even draining the battery.

  • It is important for your application to work with the most recent Apple operating systems and devices.

  • The UI of the app is quite friendly, simple to use, and is not broken for any special iPhone version such as iPhone 5 and iPhone X. Your application UI needs to conform to the Human Interface Guidelines of Apple.

  • It is important for your iOS app to come with functions that match the application’s fundamental purpose. For instance, a shopping app can be rejected by Apple if it does not have a search or payment function.



Let us hope that this particular above-mentioned App Store submission checklist will enable you to gain some essential knowledge before submitting mobile apps to the app store. This will help you to avoid experiencing multiple rejections by Apple. Apple comes with a very comprehensive application review team, and they will inspect your application very strictly.


Rahul Panchal

Rahul Panchal is the Founder & Managing Director at Rlogical Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. He is a pioneer tech enthusiast who has assisted diverse enterprise solutions with a fresh perspective over the years. From integrating technologies like Full-Stack, .NET, Flutter & PHP, he has harnessed custom web or hybrid mobile app development projects. His creative outlook on the latest models of AI, ML, blockchain, and IoT, has made various businesses attain leading-edge success.

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