How to Build a Language Learning Mobile App Like Duolingo?

How to Build a Language Learning Mobile App Like Duolingo?

04 April, 2024 by img Jatin Panchal in On Demand App Development
How to Build a Language Learning Mobile App Like Duolingo?
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Quick Overview: Online learning has been bridging the gap for learners to avail education services remotely. Duolingo-like language learning apps are the best inspiration for transforming education solutions. Entrepreneurs or Universities must consider building an app Like Duolingo. If you are struggling to deliver your education app just go through the article. It gives detailed elaboration of the steps and the cost to develop language learning apps like Duolingo! 

With the online learning wave in today’s time, distance education and certification via online classes have been marvelously increasing. Such a trend is visible after the lockdown happened. The recent report of Business Research insights showcases the great transformation of learning apps in the upcoming years. The global market size of language learning apps will exceed USD 16.63 Billion in 2031

It’s high time to make an app like Duolingo. Whether you are an education institute or a language expert, creating an app like Duolingo will be profitable. With onboarding the right skilled resources, you can get a high-end Duolingo-like app. Well, the article will emphasize developing language learning apps for business. Enjoy reading! 

What is the Language Learning App Duolingo?

Duolingo is an online free mobile app and website built to learn different languages through short and crisp lessons. It offers 40+ languages to learn and explore. Hence, Duolingo is the world’s most used and recognized language-learning app today. With 500M+ downloads on Play Store and ranks among education apps with 4.7-ratings on Apple Store.

From giving a fun learning environment to interactive practice sessions, Duolingo is a perfect learning app. It assists in speaking, reading, writing, and listening practices to learn languages. Thus, the Duolingo mobile app allows you to enhance your vocabulary and grammatical proficiency. The app’s content is fabricated by language experts. So, the Duolingo app gives proper training with real-world communication.

Recently, Duolingo has upgraded the learning app with math and music lessons. Accordingly, it gives access to learning calculation tricks and developing mental math skills. For music learners, it improves the ability to read and play music on devices without any instruments. 

All-in-all, Duolingo has grown as an e-learning app. Its efficient visual elements increase the engagement rate. Moreover, it also gives rewards for achieving the learning goals. So, now jump into how it works.

How does a Duolingo-like Language Learning App Work?

The popularity of the Duolingo mobile app is apparent with its innovative approach for language learners. It has made learning a fun activity for the users which has gained the spotlight among the audience. Users can download the app and learn the languages of their choice. 

As soon as they get a language lesson, the app permits them to choose the simple to complex level. Accordingly, the free trial gives a basic understanding. To get better courses, users need to access premium versions. So, it helps to guide via live tutors or recorded classes with animated visuals. 

Moreover, to create your language learning app like Duolingo, you should focus on exploring more optimized performance. By integrating new-age technologies and interactive app layouts, you can compete in the education app development sector. Learn the steps to develop a language learning app like Duolingo.

How to Create Language Learning Apps like Duolingo?

steps to create language learning app like duolingo

To build an app like Duolingo, you have to follow the below steps thoroughly. The steps are combined with the tips that keep your language learning app development and maintain a good pace. 

  • Create your unique learning app concept

When starting to develop a language learning app like Duolingo, you need to initiate from scratch. Outline your app idea and make the wireframe of your app.

Firstly it starts with market research and goes with listing out app features, budget limits, platforms, designing aspects, etc. Having the planned process well in advance gives clarity to thoughts. So, you can’t miss out on anything later and manage the project efficiently. 

  • Partner with teachers or language experts

The main characters to create an education app like Duolingo are language experts and teachers. Your app’s product is the course you will offer to learners. So, the help of teachers is invaluable in framing and recording classes. You need to find and send proposals to various language professionals. Shortlist the applications and schedule a discussion. Furthermore, it permits you to share your business ideas and ask for collaboration.

  • Pick a relevant Tech Stack

Depending on the platform you choose, your technology stack will comply accordingly. When you select iOS, going for Objective-C or Swift to develop iOS applications is necessary. For Android app development, you use Kotlin or Java languages. 

Apart from that, the most sought-after and cross-platform solution is Flutter. It is a budget-friendly and best-in-class solution to build remarkable industry-specific apps. After watching the success of Google Pay built with Flutter. Google Classroom, an e-learning platform has also switched to Flutter. So, you can also get the benefit of Flutter SDK to build an app like Duolingo.

  • Hire an App Development Team

Now, you need to begin with the hiring process for app development experts. Your project requires hiring a dedicated development team that will have developers, designers, testers, business analysts, and project managers. Hence, you can remain worry-free with having the whole experienced team. The cost to build an app like Duolingo will also be reduced to a great extent in a dedicated model. 

  • Fabricate App Design

No sooner you have the team, start with the app designing stage. Discussing with the app development team and making a user-friendly and eye-catching app is necessary. Your learning app must incorporate modern-age UI/UX elements to deliver smooth app navigation. 

  • Build MVP app

Minimum viable product (MVP) app development process with full-fledged force. It allows you to integrate basic features to validate your app idea. Ensure to have a stunning MVP to seek the attention of investors as well.

  • Test & launch your app

Undertake the quality testing of the app and debug the errors. As a result after the deployment of the app, the users can easily access the app with optimized performance. Further, launch the app on the pre-decided platforms.

  • Maintain & Upgrade your app 

With gaining visibility, upgrade your app with advanced features and new technology trends. Additionally, it is important to maintain the language learning app to retain the users and extend to get new ones. To get a better understanding of the features to include in your app, go through the below list.  

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What are the Must-have Features of Building an App like Duolingo?

When you make an app like Duolingo, you have to be specific with features to fill various gaps. Considering the language learning app’s overall functionality, let’s have a look at core and user-centric features.

Basic Features of Duolingo-like App

  • User Registration

The user sign-in feature is the most important and basic one. Onboarding new users and allowing them to create their profiles is the first step. It usually has options to sign in by email or social media accounts. As per users’ preference, the option and fill in their personal information.

  • Engaging Lessons Structure

Providing an easy-to-understand lesson path is crucial to allowing new visitors to preview the lessons and set goals accordingly. Moreover, users can select beginner, intermediate to advanced-level lessons to start their learning.

  • Interactive Storytelling 

The more interesting the learning process is, the better it keeps the user engaged. Learners find the course learning easy and grasp the grammar or vocabulary context proficiently. 

  • Practice Tests

Using the language learning course should enable users to unlock practice test series in the app. Ensure to include the tests designed by the experts or teachers. Thus, users can give practice tests and revisions in the app to keep them updated on their performance.

  • Integration with social platforms

The number of social media users is at its peak. However, integrating social media functionality will connect the learning app to expand users. So, users can refer the app or course to their social media community or groups that increase your app’s visibility.

  • Push Notifications

An educational app with built-in notifications keeps users updated about their course journey. Notifying about new lessons or any offers increases the user’s interaction and minimizes the abandonment rate of your app.

  • Offline Mode

In your e-learning app like Duolingo, the users should be allowed to download their course. It is a good way to make your large ongoing without an internet connection. Hence, users should easily continue their learning even in offline mode.

Features to Boost User Experience

  • AI-Chatbots

AI-assistant chat solutions are a must-have in today’s instant problem-solving period. Users with any issue can connect with you via chatbots and get their doubts resolved. Thus, AI-powered features will help your e-learning app deliver more user-centric solutions. 

  • Gamification 

In the digitally enhanced era, mobile applications for learning purposes must have engaging or competitive games. It must allow you to win bonus points on completing the course rather than getting bored with online learning. As a result, learners are attracted to stick to their courses in a fun and gaming manner.  

  • Customized lessons

As soon as the app collects personal information, your Duolingo-like app must provide users with customized results. For example, if a user is looking for a French language learning course and is studying there. So, your app should offer courses for native French speakers. 

  • Accredit with certifications

Offering certification courses increases user loyalty toward your app. Having a certified course from a renowned university or institution builds goodwill for your business. Thus, develop language learning apps like Duolingo which provide certificates for specific courses.

Modern Features to Gain Competitive Edge 

  • Augmented Reality (AR)-based Learning 

By using the AR features, users can advance the real-world object learning solution. Having a 3D presentation of lessons and animated elements makes the learning experience fun and fascinating. 

  • Secure Payment Gateways

Implementing simplified and protected payment integrations. It is a necessary feature as learners will settle online payments for enrolling in the course. So, build a language learning app like Duolingo with a 100% safe payment environment. Alongside the compliance with the privacy policy to enhance the credibility of your app.

  • Selection of Languages Courses

To make an app like Duolingo or better than that, you need to integrate the course selection option for users. Based on the difficulty level and course material, the prices of each course differ. So, it becomes easy for users to search and select the appropriate one depending on their budget limit.

  • Community Functionality

Organizing seminars or mock tests for all the users makes your app appreciate the community in all. Declaring the results in leaderboards as per the respective rankings. So, it enables users to know their fluency level among others. 

  • Access in Multiple Languages

Allowing the use of apps in different languages of the world is the master feature. It will effortlessly expand your app’s reach to a global audience. 

  • Native Audio Speaker 

You empower your app with recordings of a native speaker which improves the accent and pronunciation levels of learners. Such a feature gives the extra benefit of listening to native audio and imitating the accent seamlessly. 

So, the above list has both basic and advanced features included to create language learning apps like Duolingo. It might have given you thought on the cost of Duolingo-like app development. Let’s dig into it to plan your budget.

Read More: Mobile App Development Costs in 2024

What would be the Duolingo App Development Cost? 

When it comes to the cost to build an app like Duolingo, you should focus on making your project stand out. To do so, you need to plan your budget and allocate funds accordingly. Even if you are an educational institute, the cost of an educational app may vary as per your offerings. You can build cross-platform apps to furnish Android and iOS users. 

As mentioned above, Flutter app development is the higher beneficial solution. So, consider IT outsourcing as the perfect solution for startups or small firms. You can get Indian app developers at an hourly rate of $20-$35 which is more affordable than many others.     

In addition to that, the total Duolingo-like app development cost will fall between $15,000-$110,000. Depending on the feature set and external factors this range might change. Thus, it is a pretty good sum to invest in your language learning app development. Moreover, the business model of an app like Duolingo will reap higher ROI. Take a brief look at the monetary sources of educational app development Solution.

What is the Beneficial Business Model of an App Like Duolingo?

Here are some of the common ways your language learning app like Duolingo can make money. It will assist you to know about different business models of educational apps. 

  • Freemium model

Having a freemium model allows apps to be downloaded free and access certain free services. However, to upgrade to the premium versions the app charges a one-time premium amount. Thus, such payment allows users to unlock services exclusively available for premium members in your app.

  • In-app purchases

The most frequent and higher source of revenue is generated when users purchase courses from your app. When users enroll in the course and buy study material on your education app, it is the ultimate sales of your business. Thus, it is necessary to develop and deploy value-driven course lessons and materials on your app. Users’ positive reviews and ratings will increase your app traffic.

  • Subscriptions

The subscription-based business model is introduced with trial features and further subscribes to the services. To keep using the services users will have to pay monthly/annual subscription fees. Therefore, it is a simplified monetary stream to retain your users for a long duration. 

  • Advertising campaigns

Running advertising campaigns on your app is a sort of additional source of earnings. As your app grows and gets brand value, other businesses reach out to promote services. So, you can make money in the form of a commission.

Why Should you Select Rlogical to Develop your Language Learning App?

The experience of our IT professionals is what adds value and innovation to our services. Rlogical Techsoft has a team of experts with outstanding work portfolios in a range of industrial projects. Additionally, with our customized approach, you will get one-of-a-kind mobile app development services. By eliminating the possible challenges in the process, your education app development project will be delivered beforehand. You can connect and get free consultation on your project from our team!

develop language learning app


What is the Benefit of the Duolingo-like app?

The demand for education and language learning apps like Duolingo is remarkably rising. Accordingly, it is an easy solution for educational institutions to provide courses to students through online mode. Remote access and live classes are best to virtually interact with teachers. It saves time and money on infrastructure. So, you can also develop an app like Duolingo and grab vast users digitally. 

How long does it take to develop an app like Duolingo?

Building an app like Duolingo would approximately take 06-08 months. However, the timeline may be extended with additional features or any other integrations.

Which are the other Alternatives of Duolingo-like language learning apps? 

Some of the best Duolingo-like learning apps are;

  • Babbel
  • Lingvist
  • Busuu
  • Memrise
  • Rosetta Stone
  • HelloTalk

Jatin Panchal

Jatin Panchal is the Founder & Managing Director at Rlogical Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. For more than a decade, he has been fostering the organization's growth in the IT horizons. He has always bestowed personalized approaches on .NET, PHP, Flutter, and Full-Stack web development projects. From startups to large enterprises, he has empowered them to accomplish business goals. By delivering successful industry-driven solutions, he is encouraging the capability of AI, ML, blockchain, and IoT into custom websites and hybrid mobile applications.

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