Ember JS with its Pros and Cons

Ember JS with its Pros and Cons

08 January, 2021 by img Jatin Panchal in JavaScript Development
Ember JS with its Pros and Cons

People are exploring Play stores from time to time for finding apps to simplify their lives. However, online services offered by mobile apps are incredibly convenient for all individuals. The effectiveness of mobile apps in changing human beings’ lives is considered a notable development at present.

Developers create an increasing number of apps that are packed with innovative features for meeting the standard requirements of the numerous users out there. Nevertheless, making these types of apps has introduced lots of complexity to front-end development.

It is vital to stick to standard development practices to speed up the development of these applications. These types of methods incorporate the usage of frameworks and libraries allowing the use of components that can be reused. Several frameworks were introduced into the system of app development during the last few years.

These frameworks are obtainable with some fantastic features, which have resulted in the creation of feature-rich applications intended for the web and the mobile. Amongst all these frameworks, Ember JS is worth-mentioning that offers lots of help to front-end app development.

In this article, we will look at the pros and cons of Ember JS Development in detail. It happens to be a comprehensive open-source framework that is based on the MVVM pattern. The development of Ember JS enables the creation of dynamic SPAs.


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Why make use of this framework?

For getting a proper answer to this query, we will take a look at the key moments defining virtually every technology.

A significant role is played by communities while selecting a framework. In case the community is more meaningful, more development will be possible. Many community members are responsible for powering this framework, which helps it develop at an alarming rate.


In the following paragraphs, let us shed some light on Ember JS’s pros and cons and comprehend why it is one of the best frameworks at present.


The Pros:

1. Potent add-ons

The size of the package ecosystem of Ember is well-developed, and therefore, you can be sure of finding the right ones for solving your issues. Moreover, the framework comes with a dedicated site where all the packages are appropriately categorized, including specific documentation and individual ratings. It is also feasible to use the typical NPM packages. Your add-on can be created easily by running the command “Ember add-on name.


2. Ember CLI

The “Command Line Interface for ambitious web applications” of Ember will allow you to interact with the computer’s operating system. This will provide you with a project structure featuring great add-ons, thus making certain fast rebuilds and live reloads.

This happens to be the primary tool for generating codes and live recompilations plus running tests within the browser. A CLI tool is used by most well-known frameworks, just like Ember, which depicts its versatility.

Because of Ember CLI, it is possible to generate an entire app within a short period by using only one command. It is also feasible to ascertain the functions possessed by the application.


3. Convention over configuration

Even though Ruby on Rails mainly used this notion, it is also used by Ember. These well-defined practices are included within the framework, along with a useful tool to make them updated. Although some are of the notion, this might restrict the developer’s freedom, and it is a fact that Ember will make a fantastic choice when it comes to enhancing your productivity.


4. Stability sans stagnation

An idea of stability without stagnation had been introduced when Ember 2.0 was released. This implies that one must not leave anybody behind even though the ultimate objective is continuous progress. Hence, Ember happens to be backward-compatible, suggesting that any update will not result in the spoiling of apps that are running older versions. The upgrading process will go on smoothly while the user will be adequately informed regarding any forthcoming alteration.

The good thing is that Ember plans to commence releasing a new and stable version at an interval of every six weeks.


5. Community

The community happens to be one particular aspect mentioned in the case of lots of well-known frameworks, and Ember JS is one of them. With around 900 contributors on Github plus more than 24,000 queries on Stackoverflow, it is guaranteed that any problem encountered by us has been addressed by somebody else in the past. The discussions taking place within the community are 100% transparent and also open to the general public. Furthermore, the library consists of extensive documentation, as well.

Various meetings are held frequently by the community of Ember buffs in more than 66 nations, and the most well-known happen to be EmberConf in the US and EmberFest in Europe.


6. Ember Octane – The future of contemporary Ember

The team behind Ember has planned to release a new Ember edition every single year. Every single release will focus on a specific theme – one of them is Ember Octane, which is related to performance and productivity. According to the official website, Ember Octane is concerned about performing more with less, which implies that it will be simpler to learn Ember, and the framework will be smaller and faster. Ember Octane will be introducing native JavaScript classes, incremental rendering, tree-shaking, rehydration, and so forth.


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The Cons:

1. Tough to learn

As compared to React or Vue, beginner developers might find Ember to be quite challenging to master. It is appropriate for complicated large-scale apps and might prove to be excessively heavy for simple small-scale apps.


2. Highly opinionated

This framework is highly opinionated, given that any sort of deviation from performing things might result in frustrating issues.


3. Sluggishness in popularity

It is a fact that Ember has suffered stagnation in favor during the last several years, and it has failed to attract any new developer. Moreover, Ember was unable to secure a place in the Developer survey of Stackoverflow in the year 2020 and could register just 3.6% in the category of active users in the State of JS Survey 2019. If it goes on like this, Svelte JS might even go past Ember shortly.




Jatin Panchal

Jatin Panchal is the Founder & Managing Director at Rlogical Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. For more than a decade, he has been fostering the organization's growth in the IT horizons. He has always bestowed personalized approaches on .NET, PHP, Flutter, and Full-Stack web development projects. From startups to large enterprises, he has empowered them to accomplish business goals. By delivering successful industry-driven solutions, he is encouraging the capability of AI, ML, blockchain, and IoT into custom websites and hybrid mobile applications.

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