What Reason is MERN Stack Considered the Best for Developing Web Apps?

What Reason is MERN Stack Considered the Best for Developing Web Apps?

05 May, 2023 by img Jatin Panchal in Hire MERN Stack Developer
What Reason is MERN Stack Considered the Best for Developing Web Apps?

Quick Summary: With the rise of the IT services demand for digitizing the business entity, there are several technology stacks widely accepted. Among all, the MERN stack is renowned for remarkable web applications to give your business a competitive advantage. For curious entrepreneurs who doubt why consider MERN Stack? Well, it has the required solutions to meet any web application project needs. To get a detailed view, read through the entire article and you will definitely hire MERN stack developers for your next project!

The web app development industry has progressed significantly after the pandemic. Some of the tech stacks are the major reasons for such increased hype. Like the MERN stack, it can deliver high-quality and performance-rich web applications. However, it takes lots of innovative web designing to develop a web app successfully.

It is necessary to go for the proper tech stack for businesses to ensure high-level efficiency and fast web development. On this page, you will learn everything about the MERN stack and its components.

What Do You Mean by the MERN Stack?

MERN stack is a mixture of robust technologies for developing scalable Web apps, which consist of front-end, back-end, and database components. This particular tech stack happens to be a user-friendly JavaScript framework intended for creating dynamic applications and websites. For this reason, it is considered to be a preferred platform for startups. So, any type of business can hire MERN developers for their project.

It consists of incredible technologies, including MongoDB, Express, React JS, and Node.js (MERN).


mongodbThis one is a cross-platform and open-source NoSQL DBMS. It happens to be a document-oriented database, implying that the data will be saved by making use of documents and collections. Mongo DB stores the information in binary JSON format, enabling quick exchange of information between server and client. It can likewise be utilized to store large volumes of data, which helps make it extremely scalable.


express js

This one is a lightweight and modular Node JS framework, which helps in creating Web apps. It happens to be a back-end and server-side framework based on JavaScript, which has been designed to write quick, simplified, as well as secure apps.


react for web development

This is an open-source JavaScript library employed for creating user interfaces, usually for single-page apps. It provides the facility of reusability of codes on various platforms. It is scalable as well as fast.


nodejs for web app development

Node.js happens to be a cross-platform and open-source runtime environment for JavaScript. It has been designed to operate the JavaScript code on the server side outside the browser.

In the subsequent paragraphs, we will take a closer and more in-depth look at the different MERN stack components. So, it clarifies why considering the MERN stack is the ideal choice. Also, it will assist in making web app development extremely easy and quick.


This one is a document database where information is going to be stored in flexible documents along with a JSON-based query language. The number of fields, size, and content in these documents might vary from each other, implying that it is possible to change the data structure over time. This framework is well-known for its scalable as well as flexible features.


  • The environments of this framework are incredibly scalable.
  • It can run on more than one server simultaneously. The information is duplicated to keep up the system and also maintain its running condition.
  • Master-slave replication is supported by it. MongoDB uses native applications for maintaining several copies of information.
  • MongoDB supports flexible aggregation tools as well as MapReduce.

Why Make Use of MongoDB?

  • It helps to make it quite simple to index documents.
  • It helps to ensure scalability since it is possible to handle extensive data effortlessly by dividing it into several machines.
  • Setting up a MongoDB environment is quite simple.
  • A flexible document model is supported by it, which is simple to create.


Express is a web app framework intended for Node.js, making it quite simple to write server code. Developers need not repeat the identical code again and again, unlike the previous years. This framework has been designed to create scalable and robust APIs and Web apps. It is typically renowned for its minimal architecture as well as fast speed.

Why Make Use of Express?

  • Single-threaded and asynchronous.
  • Is scalable and fast.
  • Powerful API.


It was the Facebook developers who developed React. The library is employed for creating views in HTML. Rather than using templates for automating the creation process of HTML elements, this framework uses an all-inclusive programming language for building repetitive DOM elements. This helps us to run the identical code on the browser as well as the server. It differentiates MERN from MEAN ultimately.

The most recent version of this framework happens to be React 16.9, which involves bug fixes, innovative features, and deprecation notifications for preparing for a significant release in the upcoming days.


  • The virtual DOM happens to be the original DOM’s lightweight copy, which consists of all the characteristics of the actual DOM.
  • React happens to be component-based. Competent logic is inscribed in JavaScript instead of templates, and therefore, it is simple to pass information through the app.
  • Supports 1-way data-binding implying that the data will flow in one particular direction all through the application, which will provide better control in the long run.
  • React happens to be the most preferred web framework, with approximately 75% of the developers choosing to use it for developing apps. On the other hand, the number is around 58% for Angular. Thus, it is evident from this information that React has overtaken angular. While about 32% of programmers prefer to work with React, only 30% like to work with Angular.

Read Also: Guide for Creating Web Apps With React and NodeJS

Why Make Use of React?

  • React is known to support Components, which are the UI where every component has logic. The features also support code reusability, which helps to make web applications quite simple and easy to understand.
  • Features such as JSX, Virtual DOM, and Components help make it quicker and faster than other frameworks.
  • React Native can code for iOS and Android apps very quickly by using React JS and JavaScript.

Node JS

Node JS is open-sourced by Google and is built on Chrome. The framework has been built on the JavaScript engine of Chrome. It has been designed to execute JavaScript code outside a browser and create scalable network applications.


  • The library of Node JS is extremely fast in the execution of code.
  • No data is going to be buffered by Node.js applications.
  • All the APIs happen to be non-blocking, that is, asynchronous.

Why Make Use of Node JS?

  • The open-source runtime environment of JavaScript is supported by it.
  • It consists of a single-threaded model.
  • Node JS is known for its fast execution of codes.
  • Is exceptionally scalable.

With that, the components of the MERN stack are inside out for you. However, to make the final decision to hire MERN stack developers, you need to learn about what MERN stack is.

Read Also: Reasons to Choose Node.js for Web App Development

What is MERN Stack Developer? 

The appropriate combination of the above technologies i.e., MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js. Accordingly, MERN stack developers have expertise in all these technologies and efficiently manage the development process of websites and applications. 

MERN developers have the skillset and proficiency in the latest tools. So, your project will make an out-of-the-box presence. Whether you are a newbie or an experienced business, the MERN stack can leverage market solutions to your web app development project. Let’s see how!

Benefits of Using MERN Stack

Likewise, MEAN, MERN happens to be the most well-known stack at present. Below, we have mentioned some benefits that are equivalent to reasons to choose MERN stack developers for your projects.

  • It consists of the entire cycle of web development.
  • The MVC architecture is facilitated by it, which helps make web development quite simple.
  • Being considered an affordable stack with an accessible setup, open-source support, and minimized learning time might have the minimum cost of development.
  • While working with the JavaScript stacks, the developers must be knowledgeable regarding JSON and JavaScript.
  • The four powerful technologies will be adequate for developing a comprehensive application.
  • The framework consists of a wide-ranging prebuilt collection of testing tools.
  • The four technologies offer effortless integration with cloud platforms.
  • The framework aids in building scalable and flexible websites.

Related Guide: Difference Between MERN vs MEAN vs Full Stack

Turn your Raw Idea into a MERN Stack Web App!

Now, after collecting and analyzing the myriad information of the MERN stack, you must have made up your mind! MERN has whatever your web app project needs to be built and put on the floor. You can also utilize some tools to enhance the performance. If you still need some personalized guidance, you can hire a dedicated developers team from us. Having proven work experience for domain-specific web apps is what makes us unique from others. 

Stop waiting and start exploring the endless opportunities for your project. Our high-rated and reviewed MERN Stack developers in India make visible results swiftly. Discuss your idea now!


Jatin Panchal

Jatin Panchal is the Founder & Managing Director at Rlogical Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. For more than a decade, he has been fostering the organization's growth in the IT horizons. He has always bestowed personalized approaches on .NET, PHP, Flutter, and Full-Stack web development projects. From startups to large enterprises, he has empowered them to accomplish business goals. By delivering successful industry-driven solutions, he is encouraging the capability of AI, ML, blockchain, and IoT into custom websites and hybrid mobile applications.

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