Top 10 React Component Libraries 2021

Top 10 React Component Libraries 2021

10 March, 2021 by img Rahul Panchal in Mobile App Development
Top 10 React Component Libraries 2021

After being launched in the year 2013, React JS JavaScript library of Facebook has become extremely popular, and the React developers have used this library for creating all types of applications. One significant factor responsible for the development of React JS happens to be its extensive collection of libraries. The developers have developed some attractive UIs for mobile, web, desktop, and hybrid applications using these libraries.

Apart from simplifying UI development, these component libraries are extremely versatile, thanks to their high modularity. React comes with lots of top-quality component libraries regarding which we have mentioned in this particular article. It can be somewhat difficult to find out the best React component library; however, after going through this article, you should be able to do so.


Let us not waste time and look at the top 10 React Component Libraries 2021.


1. Ant Design

This particular library happens to be a set of top-quality UI that has been created for web applications. More than 50 customizable components are provided by it, which can be utilized for crafting beautiful apps. Recently, Ant Design became the most well-known React library on GitHub by beating Material UI.

Every single aspect of Ant Design has been thought out to minute details. The creators have built it based on a design system. Based on several unitary specifications and principles, Ant Design has been created for desktop applications. It helps to make prototypes and design quite simple and accessible for all the members of a project.

You are suggested to check out Ant Design if your primary objective is to make applications that will provide an indigenous feel for your users. It also comes with a useful mobile version.


2. Material UI

This is a set of components that have been created based on Google’s material design guidelines. Material UI comprises lots of configurable and accessible UI widgets. Being self-supporting, the components will be injecting the styles only they require displaying, and this can result in the improvement of performance in your application.

This library features a powerful community and active maintainers behind it. At present, it has more than 65k stars on GitHub, which helps to make it amongst the most well-known component libraries on the market.

Material UI offers a light, user-friendly, and simple design and layout, which will allow you to make beautiful apps quite easily. It can boast of having a consistent and simple-to-use interface that reflects the vast wealth of knowledge of the design team of Google. In case you want to produce a consistent, light, and attractive interface within a short period without sacrificing performance and accessibility, this library will be the ideal solution for you.


3. React Bootstrap

React Bootstrap happens to be a well-known CSS, JavaScript, and HTML library that consists of UI creation elements for web and mobile applications. Even though Bootstrap is referred to as a JavaScript library, React Bootstrap can be considered a comprehensive revamp for React and the components, nevertheless without jQuery bootstrap.js dependencies essentially replacing the React components for JavaScript styles. It can boast of having more than 19k stars on Github.

Complete compatibility is offered by it with lots of Bootstrap teams that already exist and a comprehensive list of components having complete power over every single of them. React Bootstrap updates the state to the virtual DOM, which appears to be a stable solution for React JS developers to aid the inclusion of the features of Bootstrap into the virtual DOM of React.


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4. React Virtualized

This is one of the exclusive React component libraries focusing on particular facets of any UI that displays tabular data. It can boast of having more than 21k stars on Github, plus you will not find it difficult to render tables on most occasions whatsoever. So, why do you require a library for that?

React Virtualized enables web developers to render large amounts of information very easily by using components like tables, lists, collections, grids, and so forth. This library is particularly used on a wide scale by companies interacting with an extensive range of customers; however, you will be able to use it at all times for creating your tables in a somewhat user-friendly manner.

React Virtualized comes with a comprehensive sequence of guidelines for performing the setup. We like to have information to work with, and therefore, we are about to set up a feature for building a comprehensive data set by using faker.


5. Evergreen UI

Evergreen happens to be a popular React UI framework intended to create top-quality products on the web. The developers at Segment were responsible for creating Evergreen UI. One notable thing regarding this library is its comprehensive explanation of the design decisions. A set of components is provided by it for creating important features of a web app.

The design of Evergreen UI is simple, intuitive, and light. You can use it for creating attractive user interfaces quite quickly. It is also becoming popular very quickly and, at present, can boast of having more than 10.5k stars on GitHub along with more than 100 contributors.


6. Semantic UI React

This particular library is the official React integration intended for Semantic UI. This is a library that is jQuery-based, and it adds additional functionality to your pipeline as well. With this library, all the additional functionality has been written to React code once again.

You will use JSX code to define the components directly and bind them with React component code. It provides a comprehensive list of favorite components which have been designed particularly for making sense and also creating code that is Semantic-friendly. This library can boast of having more than 12.1k stars on GitHub, and it has been downloaded more than 100k times every week from npm.

In case you like to create apps using React and want to make sure that it is completely Semantic-friendly, this library will be imperative for you.


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7. Rebass

This one is a small-sized UI components library that will allow you to create an extremely powerful set of UI elements that are theme-able based on the Styled System library. Only eight additional components are contained by Rebass within a tiny file, which has been built particularly for responsive web design.

The components make use of a style-system that serves as a fantastic starting point for encompassing custom UI components for your application by making use of its built-in ThemeProvider. In case you do not like to depend on component libraries completely and like to extend one which already exists during development, then Rebass should be tried by you. It is becoming quite popular very rapidly. At present, the project can boast of having over 7k stars on GitHub and receives approximately 130k downloads every month from npm.


8. Fluent UI

Fluent UI

This particular library, formerly referred to as Fabric React, happens to be another intriguing UI library that the Microsoft development team has developed. It offers components with graphics and behaviors which are quite identical to Office products.

Fluent UI provides compatibility with Android, iOS, and Desktop devices and is employed by websites like OneNote, Office 365, Azure DevOps, and other products from Microsoft. It consists of quite a few prebuilt components which one can use for developing most parts of an application while his design sticks to the Office Design Language of Microsoft.

In case you like to develop a web app featuring office-like UI, you should be considering using Fluent UI. It is becoming popular very quickly and has got more than 8.5k stars on GitHub. Apart from this, it receives over 8k downloads every week from npm.


9. Chakra UI

This happens to be a modular, accessible, and simple component library that will provide you with every single building block required to create React apps. This library consists of layer components such as Stack and Box, which makes it quite simple for styling your components employing passing props.

One good thing about this library is that most of the components happen to be dark mode compatible. Chakra UI will enable you to get started with creating composable and simple components catering to real-world UI design issues. It has got more than 16k stars on GitHub within only a few months and has also received plenty of positive comments from expert React developers.


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10. Grommet

This one is a comprehensive React-based framework providing modularity, responsiveness, accessibility, and themes within a tiny package—grommet aids in creating accessible and responsive mobile-first projects with a simple-to-use component library.

One significant thing regarding this library is that it can easily be integrated with current projects or while starting with fresh ones. Amongst its users, mention may be made of Boeing and Netflix.

Grommet is going to help you in designing layouts quite quickly, whether it is for widescreen displays or small screen phones. It offers support for WCAG 2.1 spec of W3c and offers accessibility utilizing a screen reader or keyboard. Grommet can boast of having approximately 5k stars on GitHub.


Let us hope that this above-mentioned article has provided you with a solid idea regarding the usefulness of React component libraries, particularly for a contemporary web developer. You will come across lots of these React component libraries at present, and each of these comes with its advantages and drawbacks. It is entirely up to you to come across the best one out there for your requirements.

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Rahul Panchal

Rahul Panchal is the Founder & Managing Director at Rlogical Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. He is a pioneer tech enthusiast who has assisted diverse enterprise solutions with a fresh perspective over the years. From integrating technologies like Full-Stack, .NET, Flutter & PHP, he has harnessed custom web or hybrid mobile app development projects. His creative outlook on the latest models of AI, ML, blockchain, and IoT, has made various businesses attain leading-edge success.

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