Web API Development: How to Build Web API from Scratch?

Web API Development: How to Build Web API from Scratch?

03 September, 2024 by img Rahul Panchal in API Development
Web API Development: How to Build Web API from Scratch?
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Blog Synopsis: The web applications have been developing with distinct backend and frontend infrastructure. Web API development is the bridge that interacts between these two major development sides. So, you just can’t take a chance with it. Choosing from the different types of API architecture, and protocols, and creating API endpoints are necessary factors. Here’s a one-stop article for all such matters which covers you in-depth on how to build web API from scratch.   

Everybody majorly looks for web app development services for their business growth. The concept of web API development is lesser discovered among clients due to its more technicality. When you hire web app developers from reputed companies, you can be an efficient guide of API significance. 

GitHub has 3.5+ million API repositories. It has shared the documentation on its platform for developers’ use. So, you can also get your enterprise API to set the standard rules for the interaction of various computer programs with your software. Let’s start with the basics of web API types and meaning.

Web API: Introduction & Types 

Web APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are the solution for communicating complicated programming into a simpler HTTP format for the web. The hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) requests are usually sent by the client to the server for linking between software programs that are done by APIs. Thus, its core benefit is to enhance the functionality of web browsers.

In addition to that, the APIs offer the straightforward syntax of difficult codes. It is majorly used in web application development for smooth processing among servers and programs. A few features of API development help in accessing data, it creates different types of API architectures. 

Moreover, Web APIs enable the reusable components for backend logic with smooth user interactions on client-side, and showcase data efficiently. The following is a list of web API types you should look into to get a grasp of the topic. 

Types of Web APIs

Web APIs are robust partners for developers to manage client and server interaction. Therefore, here is the Web APIs segregation into four primary types which are as follows;

1) Private API

The private or internal APIs are built to improve and offer solutions to inside or associated businesses. So, the inside enterprise’s circle of systems and data exchanges can use Private APIs. In other terms, even though the app is openly used, its UI is only accessible by the API developers. 

2) Public API

Next is the Public API which is also referred to as the Open API. As the name suggests, Public API is available on public platforms for common use by various businesses. From developers, and organizations, to any external party, public API is accessible to everybody. Some examples of such API types are Google Maps API and Twitter API.

3) Partner API

Designed and available to a few partners, The Partner API is another type. It is an efficient way to manage the software integration among the partner APIs. In simple terms, only the authorized and contract-agreed partners can access the usage of APIs. Moreover, it is a simplified solution for making the data interchange manageable. Amazon Selling Partner API and Airbnb Partner API are the best instances of these APIs. 

4) Composite API

The composite APIs are built to mix multiple API requests and grouped into a single API call. So, instead of various rounds from client to server, it offers one request with a series of calls and gets a centralized response. Therefore, it is also known as combined API.  

As you have gone through the Web API types, now multiple protocols compared with Web API. Consider reading an article on Web API vs REST API vs SOAP API to get clarity on these architectural solutions. You can also use different types of API architecture and learn the proficiency of protocols from the following.

Important Web API Protocols 

Firstly, you should know what web API protocols are. Well, it is a standard data format that API utilizes to interact with and structure the client-server request-response flow. So, let’s look into the different API protocol guides essential for your Web API development process.  


It represents Representational State Transfer API and operates to interact using HTTP requests. REST API manages the data processing in the CRUD standard i.e., create, read, update, and delete. 


The SOAP refers to a simple object access protocol API. It is an impressive and standard API messaging protocol. SOAP is used by operating systems to transfer HTTP and Extensible Markup Language (XML) requests. 

3) GraphQL  

GraphQL is an easy-to-use API protocol that fetches data by using queries. Being the smooth and exact data processing API, GraphQL gives entire and understandable details of data.

4) RPC API  

Among the different types of API architecture, there are remote functionalities of Remote Procedure Call (RPC) as well. This protocol is widely employed to carry processes between different workstations remotely. It performs among various computers or programs on a distant basis.

5) WebSocket API   

This is a cutting-edge API solution that lets you manage communication between client and server. It works on delivering event-driven responses to the messages sent to the server.  

Now, moving into the methods used by API for handling the client and server interaction. So, here are a few significant ones listed below. 

web api development services

Widely Used Web API Request Methods 

The APIs operate using different request methods. Here’s a list of the most accepted ones. 

GET – It fetches data or information from the particular resource only.

POST – It sends data or information for processing to a particular resource.

DELETE – It deletes the particular resource. 

PUT – It updates the particular resources with new data or information. 

PATCH – It updates the particular resource partially. 

HEAD – It fetches just the header of the response and doesn’t fetch the body.

OPTIONS – It makes a communication option.

The API methods are usually utilized to communicate with web applications. So, the developers can access and manipulate the data from sources. Your next query must be on how to build web API so let’s have a look into it. 

How to Build Web API from Scratch? 

Finally, beginning with the Web API development procedure you can figure out types of API, architectures, protocols, etc. These steps will help you in planning your API development, so jump into the details.

  • Determine your Web API Concept

To make Web API tailored to your application needs, you have to look into the major requirements for development. Plan the whole process and set realistic goals to ensure the timely completion of API development. Moreover, it is the most impactful step as you will not only decide on relevant strategies but also address the possible uncertainty with solutions. So, make sure you unlock each aspect of APIs with in-depth understanding.

  • Collaborate with API developers 

Well, You need to hire web developers for APIs, they will even help in planning the roadmap. For example, determining the right tech stack, protocols, or Web API types. Well, full-stack technologies like MERN Stack and other JavaScript libraries are brilliant solutions. 

In addition to that, when you partner with experienced Full-Stack developers, you will get to know opportunities for your API. So, you better undertake the hiring process carefully, to evaluate the portfolio and discuss your project. This will enhance your further development cycle and help in making an advanced approach.

  • Designing API Architecture

Next comes the designing from the selected types of API architecture. It needs you to select from REST, SOAP, or GraphQL. However, developers will help you to finalize the architectures based on your application needs. Accordingly, endpoints are created for data structure and fabricating formats for the request-response cycle. Thus, your API architecture will be designed to amplify your projects.

  • Actual Web API Development

With the completion of API designing, now start with the Web API development process. This step has a backend setup, client-side caching, and security measures for API. So, you will be managing the backend infrastructure for Web APIs with efficient programming languages and frameworks. Using a combination of React and NodeJS with Express for balancing both server and client-side solutions is highly beneficial. 

On the other hand, strict security patches are necessary for data protection during the interchange. When you get expert web API development services, you can rest assured about the robust security aspects. Thus, the developers will seamlessly perform the development with proper integration and API endpoints.

  • Test & Verify API Performance

Now, developers will verify API performance and its optimal potential by performing tests. With accurate testing and API documentation, developers can manage to define endpoints, request-response samples, and their functions. Hence, it increases the authenticity of the API by eliminating any errors.

  • Monitor Your API   

As you have tested the API thoroughly, you can move ahead to the deployment. So, it can further oversee the web services between severe and client. However, it is crucial to monitor and upgrade API with new features or functionalities. Now, your API development will accelerate applications for higher solutions.

Moreover, you can automate certain tasks of Web API development with efficiency using tools. Here are the essential tools developers use and also part of your answer for how to create API.    

Top Web API Development Tools

1) Postman 

It is an interactive API design tool and makes types of API architecture. Postman makes the API lifecycle easily manageable and streamlines the stages. 

2) Apigee

It is a power-packed Google Cloud’s API management solution. Being the developer’s go-to API development tool, it provides various functionalities from security to analytics and designing for your enterprise API.

3) Swagger

Swagger offers a range of tools or solutions to streamline the API development process. Moreover, it allows developers to design, create, and document the use of APIs efficiently.

4) SoapUI

The functional testing tool, SoapUI performs the automated testing for SOAP and REST APIs. Hence, it verified APIs by sending requests and criteria against the system and then checked if the response received was right or not.  

5) HTTPie 

It is also an advanced and developers-trusted API testing tool. With proper debugging, HTTPie ensures to manage interaction with APIs and HTTP servers.

Accordingly, your web API development services leverage high-end solutions and tools. However, you must below wondering about the cost of API development, keep reading to unveil that as well. 

How much does it cost to build a Web API?

The cost of Web API development vastly depends on your hiring model and project type. Because when you hire dedicated developers from outsourced partners, it will save operational costs. So, you will just bear the hourly rate of developers working remotely. It even has the flexibility of choosing from various time durations such as part-time, full-time, and hourly. You can outsource developers at a $25-$39 per hour rate.

Join our Team for your Web API needs! 

From startups to big firms, API is critical for your applications’ smooth operations and streamlined functions. You can utilize our Custom web development services that cover your API and all project needs. Every now and then there are new-age solutions introduced today with a better tech-driven approach. Thus, Rlogical being the innovative solution provider offers custom services. Get in touch with us and take your project to new heights! 

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Rahul Panchal

Rahul Panchal is the Founder & Managing Director at Rlogical Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. He is a pioneer tech enthusiast who has assisted diverse enterprise solutions with a fresh perspective over the years. From integrating technologies like Full-Stack, .NET, Flutter & PHP, he has harnessed custom web or hybrid mobile app development projects. His creative outlook on the latest models of AI, ML, blockchain, and IoT, has made various businesses attain leading-edge success.

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