What is a REST API? Steps, Benefits, Use Cases & Examples

What is a REST API? Steps, Benefits, Use Cases & Examples

18 July, 2024 by img Jatin Panchal in API Development
What is a REST API? Steps, Benefits, Use Cases & Examples
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Quick Overview: For your remarkable web development projects, having a secure and smooth data exchange system for communication is critical. APIs are the key components to carry out such tasks. If you talk about popularity and reliability, REST APIs are the first choice for various web applications. Here you will get REST APIs explained, with their advantages and disadvantages. To build a REST API for your app, you will get covered with the REST API standards & important development process.

Among all the APIs [Application Programming Interface] used for software development, they work as major monetary sources for firms. Because the essential of a smooth software intermediate to communicate between systems is the need of an hour. It ensures the proper workflow of the software and manages the backend infrastructure in managing the requests. 

There is a survey performed for APIs that has more than 40K respondents. Among them about 2/3rd of respondents accept that their APIs generate revenue. So, you can’t take the API concept lightly.

However, the name REST APIs is quite widely used for various project types. If you need to develop an application without any hurdle of system requests-response process REST API advantages are highly encouraging for you. You can also hire dedicated developers to get the edge of API and other tech expertise. Yet to explore the REST API, the below details will explain insights into it. 

What is a REST API? [Intro]

Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface [REST API] is the most commonly and widely used API for web app development. Just like its long name, it has longer and stronger advantages in making robust applications. 

REST API is an outstanding architectural style API that creates web services. It uses HTTP requests to access or utilize data and transfer it securely over the internet. 

In simple words, REST API is a two-way communication channel among systems. So, it establishes a request-response relationship between the client and server using the internet. As the client sends a request to the server, the server receives the client’s request and responds to the client. 

To have accurate Rest APIs explained, it’s important to burst the bubbles. Many people misinterpret or also call REST a RESTful API. They may sound the same but have a different perspective for usage. 

See, REST APIs utilize web services with requests and response cycles. On the other hand, RESTful API performs as per REST application and infrastructure. It has multi-layered transport protocols. REST apps use pre-configured architecture layers protocols as security solutions. Thus your custom web development will gain different capabilities in using REST and RESTful API. 

With that, we are moving to the next section which defines how REST API works. You can get clarity on the actual impact of API on your application development project.   

How do REST APIs work?

Regarding REST API usability in your application, it processes with HTTP requests protocol for data exchange or to avail resources. Such HTTP protocols are enabled for multiple systems and platforms. Irrespective of writing in diverse programming languages, HTTP protocols allow platforms to communicate with each other. 

It smoothly permits the client to send an HTTP request for data to the server and then the server reverts an HTTP response with encoded data back to the client. So, the data is protected and permitted to be decoded by the client as soon as it receives a response.

However, this smooth process can be accomplished with a well-structured REST API. You might wonder knowing that REST API is sort of look-a-like to websites. Because it also runs on web browsers via URLs. So, the REST API communicates with various databases to perform routine tasks. It’s a major process to create, read, update, and delete called CRUD that also helps to define how do REST APIs work. 

Generally, the data file format sent back to the client can be any type. It can be in HTML, Python, PHP, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), or just plain text. Accordingly, REST APIs are simplified and versatile solutions to access web services without any separate procedure. However, that can be possible when you create a robust REST API. For that, you must have clarity on the appropriate languages or tools which are mentioned below. It helps in redefining the benefits of using REST APIs for applications.

Which languages & Tools are best for REST API? 

The question of how to build a REST API can be efficiently answered if you are clear with the technologies. So, here’s showing some of the options for programming languages, frameworks, and tools.

Programming Languages 

Python – Using Python language’s smooth readability and multipurpose approach backed support of Flask and Django. So, this makes Python an effective solution for building REST APIs.

PHP – Being the most popular server-side scripting language, PHP makes REST API using frameworks like Laravel. Thus, your REST API gets the benefit of built-in support for JSON file format.  

Java – Now, Java is a coding language used for various enterprise projects and supports building powerful APIs. Moreover, the Spring Boot framework in the Java ecosystem helps to structure the services.

JavaScript – The most frequently used language for any application type, JavaScript is highly efficient for REST APIs. NodeJS, a JavaScript runtime environment, is the major component. It has proper functionality on why REST API is used for the applications all around. Also, the combination with Express opens the scope with multiple library usage. 

Best Tools for REST API Development

Swagger – It is a streamlined solution for designing and developing REST APIs. You will get the standard format for REST API documents which can be easily shared for further checking.

Postman – To ascertain REST API quality, Postman is the broadly used tool by developers for APIs. Its dynamic feature assists the REST API development cycle. 

HTTPie – It is a fine-suited solution for testing or debugging APIs, particularly REST. The tool handles proper interaction with APIs and HTTP servers. 

API Connect by IBM – It helps in designing and editing draft REST API by using the API Designer in IBM API Connect. Moreover, its REST API is used to automate the administration of platforms and to handle the catalogs of APIs.  

Next, understanding the principles of REST API is critical. It assists in guiding REST APIs used for solutions, so let’s get started.

What are the Principles of REST API?

principles of rest api development

The REST API principles are ground standards that will inform why use REST APIs. Read through the following thoroughly. 

  • Layered system

The structure of REST architecture is made of hierarchical layers. So, it 

is routed through many tiers for request and response. REST is fabricated for each component restricted to see above the immediate next layer.

  • Statelessness

REST API’s statelessness nature is a major attention. It defines that each request must have all the information essential to process it. 

  • Uniform Interface

The API queries for similar resources look the same. REST API enables that same category data like names to be assigned to a single uniform resource identifier (URI). 

  • Client-Server Architecture

The client and server are designed independently of each other. In that, the client system only understands the URI of the requested resource of the server app.

  • Cacheability

The resources should be cacheable either on the client or server side. It is a must for server responses to have information about caching permission for the resource. So, it enhances the performance on the client side along with better scalability on the server side as well.

  • Code on demand

It offers static resources and sometimes responses also consist of executable codes. So, you can perform the codes whenever required.

With that, we are heading to the REST API advantages and disadvantages. These will brush the major benefits of REST API for your project.

Benefits of using REST APIs

  • Lightweight

The prominent REST API advantages is its lightweight nature. It is faster and delivers high-end performance. Due to the usage of the HTTP protocols, it supports JSON, XML, and HTML. So, you will get wider options to effortlessly manage the application projects.

  • Highly Scalable 

As the client and server are divided separately, using REST APIs can optimally scale without any trouble. Your application can easily gain scalability of power-packed functionality. 

  • Flexibility

The REST APIs can smoothly manage the API requests of diverse formats  

So, you will get wider options to effortlessly manage the application projects. Accordingly, it is best fitted for various industry-specific projects and software types.  

rest api development company 

Challenges of using REST APIs

The limitations of REST APIs are introduced on how you have built and implemented it. So, take care of the following points that arise as challenges for your application development project.

  • Creating a powerful new REST API is a complex process. There is no set criteria on how to build a REST API which makes it difficult for new developers to make. So, they need proper documentation as a reference for REST API development.
  • Although the API endpoint URL uniformity is important, it becomes slightly challenging to manage with the increased number of endpoint paths.
  • REST API security aspects have drawbacks of streamlined API authentication. Thus, it may not become less efficient to protect against risks. However, experienced full-stack developers can prevent such issues by integrating third-party solutions. 

Furthermore, as you hire web app developers with impressive expertise, the challenges of using REST APIs will be eliminated. In addition to that, to make your REST APIs powered with new-age solutions, you need to learn the whole development process thoroughly. In the following section, the structured step-by-step guide to REST API development using Node Js.

How to Build a REST API using NodeJS?

how to build rest api

1) Establish the app environment

To begin with the process, firstly you need to install the Nodejs package. You can easily download it from Then move to create the new directory for your project by running the command for npm package download. 

mkdir my-rest-api
cd my-rest-api
npm init -y

Accordingly, make a package.json file for your project.

2) Install dependencies 

Next, you have to install other packages for your project. As Express is the efficient web application framework used for Nodejs, you need to download it. Install Express JS from the npm package by npm install express in your project directory.

3) Developing your app server

Now, you need to make an app by setting up the app server. For that, you need to build a file named server.js and write the given codes:

const express = require('express');
const app = express();
app.use(express.json()); // This middleware is used to parse JSON bodies.

app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Server running on port 3000'));

These codes are defined as;

require(‘express’): For importing Express modules

express(): Initialize the new Express app

app.use(express.json()): Works as middleware to parse JSON requests 

app.listen(…): For starting server on port 3000

In the coming step, we have to execute different endpoints for users’ benefit.

4) Execute the REST Endpoints

For creating APIs, having various endpoints is a major aspect. Only after that, your app can process the requests. The HTTP methods are used for such a matter.  

GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, and HEAD are the methods. Each performs the CRUD operation in different ways. So, here’s explaining all of them with instances for each endpoint with codes. IT can be implemented with Express projects after the app.use() command. 

  • GET

It is the most famous method that fetches data from the server and returns a representative view of the data with resources. The following codes define the requests and return strings. 

app.get('/api/items', (req, res) => {
  res.send('List of items');
  • POST

The POST method is utilized to send data to a server for creating or updating a resource. This data is often included in the body of the request. The below codes show the data sent as a request and the revert as a response.'/api/items', (req, res) => {
  const newItem = req.body; // Data sent in the request body.
  res.send(`Item added: ${}`);
  • PUT

Thirdly, the PUT command is used to modify a resource by entirely replacing content. So, it makes a single resource like a counterpart of POST. Thus, PUT is a used technique for revising resource data. 

app.put('/api/items/:id', (req, res) => {
  const itemId =; // Access URL parameter.
  res.send(`Item with ID ${itemId} updated`);

It is sort of a PUT method, but it only changes resource content sent in the call. Although it’s an optional step, it is considered the best practice to build REST API. 

app.patch('/api/items/:id', (req, res) => {
  const itemId =; // Access URL parameter.
  res.send(`Item with ID ${itemId} updated`);

Next is the DELETE method which is as usual essential to It is used to delete or remove data from the server. When you have successfully deleted the resource, it gives a return HTTP status 200 (OK) along with a response body. 

app.delete('/api/items/:id', (req, res) => {
  const itemId =;
  res.send(`Item with ID ${itemId} deleted`);
  • HEAD 

Lastly, the HEAD method allows HTTP to retrieve and update only the headers of a resource without the body. So, it is useful for checking resource metadata efficiently.  

app.head('/data, (req, res) => {

// Manually set headers that would be returned in a GET request.

    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
    'Custom-Header': 'CustomHeaderValue',
    'X-Powered-By': 'Express' });

// Respond with status 200 and no body 

5) Run Your API

To ensure the server is accessible with API endpoints, you have to run your API. So, it crucial to execute the command line node server.js

6) Configure Your REST API

For configuring the API quality, you need to use any of the tools aforementioned like Postman, HTTPie, etc. So, it assists in issuing requests to the endpoint and verifying them.

7) Test API Endpoints 

To get accurate testing of endpoints, you have to select the appropriate options. For example, to test GET, choose ‘GET’, input your endpoint, and tap on ‘Send’ to view the response. As a result, you will have to repeat with other methods. Once you have checked each of them, then it’s ready to move to further steps.  

8) Deploy Your REST API

Next, you have to deploy your REST API to the potential platforms. See, this step needs evaluation among the appropriate cloud platforms for hosting the REST APIs. There are a variety of options such as AWS, Azure, Docker, etc. Hoover, depending on your budget and project needs, you need to pick the perfect one. You can compare the performance, maintainability, and compatibility factors of platforms. So, it will finally lead your REST API to deploy and put into practice.  

As you have completed the REST API development it must have cleared why do we use REST API and how effective it is. In the next section, you will get examples of REST APIs. 

Top REST API Examples/Use Cases 

Still confused about why use REST API, following the company’s list will give you an idea of its adaptability for various industry-specific businesses.  

  • HubSpot 

The very first example is the most encouraging platform and has beneficial results using REST API. Hubspot follows REST to ensure the organization manages all its products efficiently. So, it is made with a predictable URL structure that uses HTTP features using the above-mentioned methods. Alongside this, it handles error response codes with responses that follow JSON standards.  

  • Twitter

Twitter is a widely used social network that has been recently renamed as X. It has the Twitter API which is REST and allows for reading and writing the Twitter data. So, the APIs identify the Twitter applications and deliver responses in JSON format. From showing tweets to users to managing the registration, API organizes Twitter’s functionality swiftly. 

  • Spotify

Next is the popular music-streaming application Spotify, which has connected the music listeners community across the globe. The Spotify Web API has different endpoints that return JSON files. Users get direct data on music artists, albums, and tracks, from the catalog. However, the requests need authorization and utilize HTTP request methods of GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. 

  • Amazon S3

Using the REST interface, Amazon S3 returns responses in HTTP headers. REST API ensures access to direct dual-stack endpoints. Moreover, it has been enhanced with new technological solutions. Like integrating AI functionality into applications. So, it manages to offer better security. 

  • Plaid

Plaid is among the big FinTech giants that have the SaaS (Software as a Service) product that uses REST APIs. It is the top REST API example for data privacy and encrypted data exchanges. Moreover, the Plaid API works with POST requests, and gets JSON responses, with errors identified at application-level. 

Strengthen your Application With REST APIs Advantages!

It’s your turn to shift your business to leading-edge application solutions. Moreover, the REST API with other tech stacks can result in making performance-rich applications. You just need the right dedicated development team with excellent experience. Although outsourcing application development services is efficiently advantageous. You can get your application API building streamlined from our dedicated developers team! 

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Jatin Panchal

Jatin Panchal is the Founder & Managing Director at Rlogical Techsoft Pvt. Ltd. For more than a decade, he has been fostering the organization's growth in the IT horizons. He has always bestowed personalized approaches on .NET, PHP, Flutter, and Full-Stack web development projects. From startups to large enterprises, he has empowered them to accomplish business goals. By delivering successful industry-driven solutions, he is encouraging the capability of AI, ML, blockchain, and IoT into custom websites and hybrid mobile applications.

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