
Green Energy Saver

company profile


We Listen...

Green Energy Saver is an energy-saving app solution in Android and iOS technology. In this energy efficient application, Customer is the supplier for the utilization of electricity and enables the individuals as well as the business enterprise a way to save and use power. It is positive about saving the surroundings with making use of accurate measurement for wherein the more strength is to be used.

The clientā€™s crew used to visit and examine the place and provide recommendations and manuals to the customers. We have developed the mobile app in which the records for the residence or the organization is stored and as according to the vicinity or layout of the place the stakeholder advocates the consumer to use diverse lighting and guide where the unique thing can be making use of how much power and how much saved. With the assistance of this solution consumers can save their money nicely.

our approach


We Proposedā€¦

Our team at Rlogical gathered the clientā€™s requirement after a detailed discussion with the clientele and proposed an idea for developing an iOS and android app that fulfills all the clientsā€™ business needs.

  • iconAPC1.svg

    iOS and Android

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    Specific Login for all users
    as per their use

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    iOS and Android

  • iconAPC4.svg

    Email and Calling Facility
    to Customers

  • iconAPC5.svg

    Pending Appointments Screen
    for Pending Workorders

  • iconAPC6.svg





Our Challenges


We Facedā€¦

While developing we worked as a decided approach to achieve the goal though we faced many issues before fulfilling all the requirements.

  • Fixed Pin for the App for Users
  • No mobile solution in emerging markets
  • Offline Synchronization for the Work Orders
  • Uneven demand based on the master replica
  • Developing a secure, user-friendly mobile solution
  • Digital records management and user management
  • All the field tools go in one code so debugging requires more time

Our Solution


We Solvedā€¦

After crossing many obstacles, we developed the iOS and android applications while coordinating with other teams and successfully implemented the applications.

Technology & Tools

iOS : Swift 4
Android : JAVA 8
Backend : Salesforce
Middle Layer : .Net
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System Characteristics


We Developedā€¦

The product helped the company to grow and gain more experience in Android and iOS apps. We have achieved the goal with so many hurdles while developing. But we found solutions and crossed the obstacles and developed the mobile apps. Our mobile app developers team was developing the replica of the master website coordinated with other testers and developed the mobile apps.



Home Screen will display the tiles for various activities which can be opened and even slider with the login details will also open. Users can select the tiles and use the varied functionality for different uses. The following things can be done.

Offline Synchronization

Users can sync the data of the appointment offline with the help of the offline sync button. For instance, if there is no internet connection or the connection is lost due to some issue then the user can take the details and then sync the data when it comes online.

  • homescreenic1.svg

    My Calendar

    User can view the appointments pending for the customer.

  • homescreenic2.svg

    Start New Assessment

    This screen will start a new assessment and generate new work orders for customers.

  • homescreenic3.svg

    Pending Appointments

    Users can view pending appointments of the particular user & they can view the details

Calendar Screen

A calendar view allows executives to easily view and manage their appointments. On the screen itself, the app provides easy selection options such as this week and this month, saving time and effort for on-field users.

Users can select the tiles and use the varied functionality for different uses. The following things can be done.

  • homescreenic4.svg

    Daily Appointments view

    To plan a productive day executives can view all the scheduled appointments on the day.

  • homescreenic5.svg

    Weekly Appointments view

    The application displays booked and available time slots by day. It is useful for executives who need to schedule new appointments or reschedule existing visits for various reasons.

  • homescreenic6.svg

    Monthly Appointments view

    It provides a more comprehensive view of the appointments scheduled in a month. The number of appointments for each executive on a given day is represented by blue dots.

Appointment Screen


My appointment screen shows the details of the work orders and customer details for the assessments.

From the application the user can call the customer, mail the customer and can get the directions of the customerā€™s place. Status of the work order will be displayed.

  • The status of the workorder is displayed as scheduled, pending, rescheduled infoimg1.webp
  • These buttons can be used to call, mail or find the direction of the customerā€™s place infoimg2.webp

Schedule Detail Screen


This screen will display the customerā€™s name, address, service date, city, state, phone and type of the work order. Field executives can use this detailed scheduled appointment view. With a single click, they can reschedule or cancel the appointments. They will also begin the assessment process from this screen.

  • This button is used to start new assessment infoimg3.webp
  • This button is used to reschedule assessment infoimg4.webp
  • This button is used to cancel assessment infoimg5.webp

Work Order Detail Screen


When user will click on Start Assessment then user will have different screens those are listed below where users where technicians can see the list of assessments they need to do.

The user will always be able to access information such as customer details, property details, assessment summary, notes, and photos from this screen. In addition, for the executive's convenience, shortcut icons are provided at the bottom of the screen.

  • Here you can find all the measure that technician will have to fill them infoimg6.webp

Work Order Measure implementation


When the user will click on the Assessment screen at that time depending upon work order the user can see the list of different measure where he can fill the information and based on that input system have customized mathematical calculations triggers in background and it will capture information in the local database of that particular device.

When user will click on any tile, then it will have various types of observations to fill into it.

  • GEA12.webp
  • GEA13.webp
  • GEA14.webp

Work Order Submission and Generating proposal


Once a Technician will complete by filling all the observations into the mobile app, then he would have 2 options to do it. He can Reschedual Appointment or Cancel Appointment.

Once the user clicks on Generate Report, App will create a report which would look like below. This report can be sent to the customer and to system admin as well, it will have all the information which technicians have filled in.


Maintaining the Work Order Status...

Once Tech Representative presses I AM DONE the ideal flow is that Work order is getting Synced from Field Tool to .Net Server.

And from .Net Server to Green Saver and users can see the Work order status has been changed from Scheduled to Completed over Green Saver in Every 15 mins.

But in order to track the Work Order status which is marked as completed and what is the current status we can create one Report which can be run on-demand and the Tech Representative will select the time period and Press Get Data button.

And the App will show the 4 Steps process and from those steps what is the current step where the work order exists.

Work Order flow from

Green Energy Saver to field tool


Program team will create a WO and schedule it from Green Energy Saver Portal


Work Order will contain,

  • WO Number
  • Mobile PIN
  • Scheduled Date/Time

The WO which has been scheduled will get routed to .Net server


If the PIN exist and correct then .Net server will send all the WO associated with that PIN in jason format


The WO which has been scheduled will get routed to .Net server


Feild Technician will Enter a Mobile PIN


PIN Verification

Work Order flow from

field tool to Green Energy Saver


Technician will do I AM DONE from FT Then WO will be marked Completed in FT


Once Technician Press I AM DONE All the Data will move from FT to .NET server


Once .Net server receive the WO from FT then it will be synced to Green Energy Saver in Every 15 minutes


Once WO is Synced to Green Energy Saver then On Green Energy Saver status of WO will be changed as completed and EA and MU will get generated



The system will generate end-to-end reports for the client that include all facts & figures as well as other intelligent suggestions. The report is available in PDF format and includes overall details of In-Home Audit i.e. Date & Time, audited for, audited by, location, reference audit number.

Display a list of the items that the contractor will include in the Free Energy Saving Kit.

List of customer concerns raised during the audit.

Description Quantity
LED Nightlight 1
4.5W LED Globe 2-pack 2
9W LED BR30 2-pack 2
Outlet Gaskets (quantity of 10) 10

Detailed building information such as building construction details, heating and cooling system data, water heater, air leakage, and so on.

About your home
Year Built Square Footages
# of rooms # Floors
Building Type Foundation Type
Siding Type Roofng Material
Heating System
Primary Heating Fuel Propane Heating System Type Air Source Heat Pump
Heating System Age 6
Cooling System
Cooling System Type CAC Cooling System Age 6
Water Heater
Water Heater Fuel Natural Gas Water Heater Type Indirect
Water Heater Age 6 Water Heater Tank Size 30
Water Heater Temp 6 Water Heater Set Back Yes
Air Leakage
Blower Door Test (CFM50) 6 Leakiness Average